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More than one in bed?

Keep reading and find out if it is for you.

New hands, new experiences new bodies, new ways of having sex are the qualities that caught the attention of many couples. The excitement of unknown that unexpected touch, scent, warm are part of the experience of having more than one in bed.

If having two in bed is exciting imagine how intense can be incorporating more than two in bed. This fantasy is quite common and if you feel curious about it you should keep some things in mind:

Emotional level. When you are in a long term relationship probably you already feel you need to add something to your sex life to spice it up. Having a threesome or engaging into a throuples relationship may be one of the options that jump into your mind. But, how is this translated when it comes to feelings? Usually it depends on how you read life. Culture and society's rules in this kind of events, you may even feel the influence of your religious beliefs. For example, if your values have taught you, your entire life monogamy is the answer, inviting additional people to your bed and/or your heart, may not be exactly the right choice and if you guide your life by Occidental society rules, this idea does not sound that good either. To be honest in the end, everything ends up in your mind and what your think, the biggest judge most people have is themselves. If you are that way your own beliefs are the ones that will come in the way between you and your multiple partners’ fantasy.

Physical level. The physical level is quite relevant too in this case, especially if you are concerned about to elements: physical self-confidence and safe sex. Remember in both cases your body is going to be exposed in front of others and the other people are going to be exposed too; you already know your partner's body, you as a couple already know each other's little imperfections; but in a threesome or in a throuples relationship, your little imperfections may make you feel insecure in front of others or even worse no matter how hot you are, there may always be someone hotter than you, and when this happens this feeling may be a down for your self-esteem and even for your libido on the moment. This doesn't mean it is the rule in this cases, but consider it before getting involved in this kind of adventures.

Sex safety. The goal of many couples is to explore and share a new experience together, but remember this has its dangers too. Many couples that are in a long term relationship have taken the precaution of doing medical tests to verify if they are in perfect health conditions and in this way they both can have intercourse without having those worries in mind. So if you have taken your time to live safe, in a threesome or in a throuples relationship you must play safe also; the least you both want is a visit to the doctor for a careless night of fun or for including someone without taking the same initial precautions. If this is the case, you have to have the same safety measures at any time toys, oral sex and penetration must be done with safety elements at all times, remenber you have to replace them every time you exchange the person you are with.

Relationship level. A threesome or a throuples relationship may challenge your initial relationship especially if you have been having difficulties before attempting it. Including extras in sex may open the door to include extras in your relationship so if this is the case, think twice before going for it.

Taking again some of the initial considerations, it will all depend on what does sex means to you? For some people sex is just that, sex; for some others sex is strictly related to love and that is why it is unthinkable to share with someone else the person they love. Jealousy may be another problem, especially if one of the couple's members starts to compare what his/her partner does with the other and the phrase "you don't do this/that with me" if you feel this is the kind of thoughts that will jump into your mind during or after the threesome or during the throuples relationship stop yourself from it.

To share this experience you both have to be really mature and know what does this experience will mean for both of you.

Besides all this, consider that: this experience is to have fun and share time together. Second: you could invite to your life the kind of person with whom you have had fantasies your entire life; in this case don't be selfish, colors, shapes and sizes are in the menu discuss with your partner what is the best for both and have fun. Third: how open are you to experiment with the same sex? As there will be one or more in the room with you and your couple how good will you feel if a naughty hand form someone of your same sex joins the party and touches you? These are some of the questions you could answer before taking that threesome or a throuples relationship tour.

So far the biggest similitude between threesomes and throuples relationships may be they can be considered to be out of the monogamy (long term relationships that are created by two people) range; and maybe the biggest difference between a thresome and a throuples relationship is that a threesome may be one time event but the throuples may turn into long term relationships built by three people, in where they are supposed to be equals in the relationship when it comes to love, emotional connection, time and sex, they are just three instead of two. With the benefits and the disadvantages this dynamic may bring. Is this good? Is this bad? As long as every member agrees it and is happy there is nothing to be told, right?

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