How should the big O feel? Are you reaching your full potential?
How should the big O feel? Are you reaching your full potential? The brain is one of the most powerful organs when talking about the...
Describe What an Orgasm Feels Like to Them
Pleasure, to climax, to come and to cum, just to explode in the most excruciating sensations, Right? Men and women want to enjoy their...
Over stimulation of the clitoris
When you get to know what you or your girl really like it is quite pleasant to share nice time in bed. But when you are not sure how to...
Ways to make it better for her
Yes, the occasional quickie may be a delicious indulgence and pretty hot and heavy for both partners, but if every encounter is a...
Masturbation - how often do people do it ?
Masturbation - how often do people do it ? Self pleasuring is one of the most common forms of sex for men and women. It's a well known...
Ladies Boudoir
New Blog Categories Coming Soon, just for the ladies and all girl talk...